This question often comes from a woman who just got over a break up and is keen to be in a relationship once again. BUT this time around, they want their dream man.
The man they always have in mind whenever they’re daydreaming. The man who’s flawless in their eyes and accepts them for the woman they are.
Does a flawless man like that exist?
However, many women have tried various tips and tricks that seem to answer the question where can I find my dream man. Here are some of the more trendy methods…
1. Speed Dating - Through this dating method, you get to know more men within an hour than you have for the past decade or so. No wonder it’s called speed dating.
Now the problem with this method is that you never get to know the person enough for you to be able to tell if you really like him or NOT.
2. Online Dating - A lot of women love this form of dating since there is very little risk involved.
Everything has to be done through the net - using chat software and a web cam. The worst you could get when doing online dating are obscene and profane words from the guy you’re chatting with.
Nevertheless, it’s doesn’t guarantee that this is the place where you can find your dream guy,
because people hide their personalities online only to bare them when you meet.
So if these tricks doesn't guarantee getting the man of your dreams, where can you find your dream guy then?
Here’s the answer - you’ll find him when you’re ready.
Heck! You shouldn’t even be busy plotting for that encounter with him. That will come naturally and most of the time unexpectedly.
BUT there’s one question you MUST answer though - what am I looking for a man…for the so-called dream guy?
Sure, only a crazy lady would say NO to a man who’s good-looking or as some would say it - smoking hot. Setting your standards for his physical appearance does help.
BUT you want to focus more on what’s inside - his values, his qualities, his attitude, etc. After all, it’s not his looks that would matter when you spend every single day of your lives together.
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